Monday, August 29, 2011

Clio Revisted

Everyone has been talking about the tricks to get Clio a hot pink. It usually involves multiple layers of glass. Using orange as a layer requires a coat of clear before and after the orange to prevent cracking and to stop the orange from turning brown from the silver in Clio. Far too many layers and too much fussing around for me. Those of you that have done that, why not give Kalypso a try as a base layer? I'd love to know how it compares. This bead was made with a thin layer of Kalypso, struck and then encased with Clio. I then used silver foil, gave it a fairly good reduction and encased with Zephyr. Less reduction would have reduced the lavender luster and made it more pink.


  1. That's beautiful - I've never got close to anything like that with Clio!

  2. Mmmmmmmmmm...yummy!

  3. Thank you Amy! I will give this a try. All those layers of orange and clear are such a pita.

  4. What Lori said! Can't wait to give this a try! Thanks for sharing!


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